
SportChamp Synthetic Turf Care Maintenance Program

The ISS SportChamp maintenance program features a unique 3-step process that rejuvenates old and new infill synthetic grass fields. Unlike other machines and systems that simply spread the dirt and extraneous material over your entire field, the SportChamp removes the dedris all other systems leave behind.

The SportChamp deep cleaning session includes general sweeping to remove foreign objects such as dirt, leaves, gum, sunflower seeds, bird droppings and other debris which may collect on the field surface. It provides a deep groom, sweep, and rejuvenation to de-compact the infill.

The SportChamp rotating brush and vacuum clean the infill and fiber. There is a strong magnet attachment that is capable of holding over 50 lbs. of weight. The magnet will collect a large quantity of metal debris that may have settled into your field.

3-Step Deep Cleaning of Synthetic Turf

Step One – Decompaction

This step will loosen the rubber or sand/rubber infill. It will also straighten or raise up matted over turf fibers.

Step Two – Deep Cleaning

A rotary brush raises the turf fibers and deposits the infill to a vibrating screen. The vibration shakes the infill through the screen. At the same time a vacuum pulls fine dirt particles to an enclosed bin.

Step Three – Finish Cleaning / Turf Grooming / Magnet Sweep

The dual broom / vacuum attachment removes fine dust and debris a second time. The turf fibers are straightened out. The cleaned infill is redistributed.